

Package Manager

The Caravel Package Manager is a package manager specifically built for Tridentu Linux. It features easy downloading and installation of packages, Lua scripting (for hooks and installation scripts) and a simple manifest. Caravel will also feature a lookup service (for finding packages and dependencies), dotfile hosting (yes, they can be packages too) and more.

AppImage Support

Built-in feature

Tridentu Linux comes with AppImage support out of the box like most distros. But there's more. It features not only support, but extensively features it too (with a dedicated folder)

Elegant Desktop

Built-in feature

For elegance and usability, Tridentu-R comes with many tools (for making this possible) by default. This allows for elegant theming of the KDE Desktop. It also maintains a Tridentu-RT (AwesomeWM-based Mast DE)/MacOS look and (to an extent) feel.


Built-in feature

Tridentu-RK takes advantage of KDE's builtin Docbook functionality to give you the documentation that you need and deserve.


Package Manager

Tridentu-RK has Flatpak support out of the box. This also means that you have better control over what resides on your system - something that the CMR (Caravel Main Repository) could barely give you.


Built-in feature

Tridentu-RK has Wine support out of the box. This means that you can run Windows apps from you system.